
Disclaimer for Sessions, Practices & Online Programmes

Disclaimer for Sessions, Practices & Online Programmes

by Suzanne Ravenall / Ravenall Institute


Welcome to www.repatterning.com (“Website”), Please read this Disclaimer before purchasing, accessing, enrolling or using any Sessions, or Practices, Online Programs, or content (collectively as “Services”). The term

“You” refers to the user/client or viewer of the Repatterning website. The Website and its content is owned by the Ravenall Institute (offices of which reside in South Africa). By viewing this Website or anything made available on or through this Website, including but not limited to programs, products, services, opt-in gifts, e-books, videos, webinars, blog posts, newsletters, emails, social media, and/or other communication (collectively referred also as “Website”), You are agreeing to accept all parts of this Disclaimer. Thus, if You do not agree with the Disclaimer below, you should unfortunately leave this amazing Website now. But, then …are you really sure you want to miss out on all the awesome content and services?

For Educational and Informational Purposes Only

The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. You may share my Website with your loved ones, friends, and strangers, the world is your oyster! Spread the joy! The same Disclaimer will remain valid for them as well.

No Substitute For Medical Advice 

In short, you are a responsible human being. We are not medical doctors, psychologists, or medical professionals, nor am I holding myself out to be one. The information contained in this Website is not intended to be a substitute for medical or mental health treatment or to be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical or mental health advice. The information provided through the Website and Services is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own medical doctor, psychologist, and/or therapist. Do not disregard or discontinue professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information You have read on the Website or the Services, or received from me. Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your health care professional. If You have or suspect that You have a medical or mental health issue, contact your own healthcare provider promptly. I do not provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. I am not giving medical, psychological, or religious advice whatsoever. Although care has been taken in preparing the information provided to You and to the fullest extent permitted by the law, I cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, and I accept no liability whatsoever for any kind of loss or damage You may incur. Always seek medical and/or psychological counsel relating to your specific circumstances as needed for any and all questions and concerns You now have or may have in the future. You agree that the information on our Website is not medical or psychological advice.

Personal Responsibility

Once more, you are your own master! Remember, that every action you take will define the person that you are. Therefore, You aim to accurately represent the information provided to me on or through our Website. You acknowledge that You are participating voluntarily in using our Website and that You are solely and personally responsible for your choices, actions and results, now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided on or through this Website, and You agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation from my Website to your life, family, career or business.

No Guarantees 

When you choose to work with me, attend one of my classes, or follow an online course, I’ll always be here to support You. My role is to accompany and assist You in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. I cannot predict and I do not guarantee that You will attain a particular result, and You accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results You can expect from using the information You receive on or through this Website.

Earnings Disclaimer

You acknowledge that I have not and do not make any representations as to the physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual or other health benefits, future income, obtaining of any position or promotion, of expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in the Services. I cannot and do not guarantee that You will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of the Services and You accept and understand that results differ for each individual. I also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of the Services. You agree that your results are strictly your own and I am not liable or responsible in any way for your results.

Not Legal or Financial Advice

We are not attorneys, accountants or financial advisors, nor are we holding ourselves out to be one. The information contained in this Website is not intended to be a substitute for legal or financial advice that can be provided by your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor or be perceived or relied upon in any way as business, financial or legal advice. Although care has been taken in preparing the information provided to You, I cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, and I accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage You may incur. Always seek financial and/or legal counsel relating to your specific circumstances as needed for any and all questions and concerns You now have or may have in the future. You agree that the information on our Website is not business, legal or financial advice as well as that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your professional or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that You may have as a result of information presented to You through the Website and Services. You are solely responsible for your results.

Technology Disclaimer

We try to ensure that the availability and delivery of the Services is uninterrupted and error-free, including our content and communications through methods like the Website, private Facebook groups, email communications, videos, audio recordings, webinars, recorded webinars, teleseminars, recorded teleseminars, emails, downloadable Mp3 audio files, downloadable PDF printed transcripts, downloadable PDF handouts/slides, handouts, ebooks, or any other materials provided by me to You. However, we cannot guarantee that your access will not be suspended or restricted from time to time, including to allow for repairs, maintenance or updates, although, of course, we will try to limit the frequency and duration of suspension or restriction. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to You for damages or refunds, or for any other recourse, should the Services become unavailable or access to them becomes slow or incomplete due to any reason, such as system back-up procedures, internet traffic volume, upgrades, overload of requests to the servers, general network failures or delays, or any other cause which may from time to time make the Services inaccessible to You. OH! Just wait till the machines take over! Then you’ll realize how good we have it now!


100% real people! No fictional characters, cyborgs or aliens. we present real-world experiences, testimonials, and insights about other people’s experiences with our Website and Services for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials and examples used are of actual clients and results they personally achieved, or they are comments from individuals who can speak to our character and/or the quality of the work (though their names and photos might have been changed for anonymity). They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.

Assumption of Risk 

As with all situations, there are sometimes unknown individual risks and circumstances that can arise during the use of the Website that cannot be foreseen that can influence or reduce results. You understand that any mention of any suggestion or recommendation on or through the Website is to be taken at your own risk, with no liability on my part, recognizing that there is a rare chance that illness, injury or even death could result, and You agree to assume all risks. Do what you feel is right for you, double-check, and ask around if necessary.

Limitation of Liability

By using this Website and services, You agree to absolve me of any liability or loss that You or any other person may incur from use of the information, products or materials that you request or receive through or on the Website. You agree that we will not be liable to You, or to any other individual, company or entity, for any type of damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable or consequential loss or damages, for use of or reliance on the Website. You agree that we do not assume liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal, professional or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease or condition or issue, or any other type of loss or damage due to any act or default by me or anyone acting as our agent, consultant, affiliate, joint venture partner, employee, shareholder, director, staff, team member, or anyone otherwise affiliated with my business or me, who is engaged in delivering content on or through this Website or services. In any event, our entire liability to you is equal to the value of the goods and or services paid by you to us during the duration of our contract. Check our satisfaction guarantee policy. We will give you back your money, should you not be satisfied with the provided Service within 7 days.

Indemnification and Release of Claims

You hereby fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release us and any of my agents, consultants, affiliates, joint venture partners, employees, shareholders, directors, staff, team members, or anyone otherwise affiliated with our business or myself personally from any and all causes of action, allegations, suits, claims, damages, or demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that may arise in the past, present or future that is in any way related to my Website or services.

No Warranties

We make no warranties related to the performance or operation of the website and services. We make no representations or warranties of any kind express or implied, as to the information, content material, programmes, products or services, including on or through this website to the full extent permissible by application law. We disclaim all warranties. Express or implied. Including implied warrants or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Errors and Omissions

Every effort has been made to present You with the most accurate, up-to-date information, but because the nature of scientific research is constantly evolving, we cannot be held responsible or accountable for the accuracy of the content. We make no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information in the Services. You agree that we are not responsible for the views, opinions, or accuracy of facts referenced on or through the services or Website, or of those of any other individual or company affiliated with the business or me in any way. You acknowledge that such information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies, typographical errors or any other errors and that we are not liable for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Should you find a typo, an incongruence, new information, or anything you want to share we would love to hear from you!

No Endorsement

References or links in the Website to the information, opinions, advice, programs, products or services of any other individual, business or entity do not constitute my formal endorsement. We are sharing information, that we find worth sharing, for your own self-help only. So many awesome individuals out there, with cool information and life views, that we feel a need to share it with You. Furthermore, we give credit where credit is due. On the other side, we are not responsible for the website content, blogs, e-mails, videos, social media, programs, products and/or services of any other person, business or entity that may be linked or referenced in the Website or services. Conversely, should the Website link appear in any other individual’s, business’s or entity’s website, programme, product or services, it does not constitute a formal endorsement of them, their business or their website either.


From time to time, we may promote, affiliate with, or partner with other individuals or businesses whose programmes, products and services align with mine. In the spirit of transparency, we want you to be aware that there may be instances when we promote, market, share or sell programs, products or services for other partners and in exchange we may receive financial compensation or other rewards. Please note that we are highly selective and we only promote the partners whose programs, products and/or services we respect. At the same time, You agree that any such promotion or marketing does not serve as any form of endorsement whatsoever. You are still required to use your own judgment to determine that any such program, product or service is appropriate for You. You are assuming all risks, and You agree that I am not liable in any way for any program, product or service that I may promote, market, share or sell on or through my Website. Do not hesitate in contacting us should you want to partner on a project.

By using the Website You are agreeing to all parts of the above Disclaimer. If You have any questions about this Disclaimer, please contact me admin@ravenallinstitute.com.

Thank You for choosing to visit us and buying our services.