Reprogramme your life

discover your most extraordinary self

Reprogramme your life

discover your most extraordinary self

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Transform your own life and become a practitioner or teacher.

Embrace the power to inspire, create change, and touch souls. Your journey awaits.

When we turn on the magic on the inside and capitalize on this magic, we begin to heal and transform in unimaginable ways and when this happens, it then shows up on the outside in everyday life. We become an unstoppable force combined with more courage and confidence than we ever thought possible. We have the power of our own innate wisdom, energy and mind to navigate disruption and amongst it all grow and live in an authentic way, responding as opposed to reacting to life.

Dr Suzanne Ravenall B.Msc. M.Msc. Msc.D

Suzanne is a modern day explorer of human potential, a CEO, transformation coach, consciousness engineer, professional speaker, integrative medicine practitioner and human performance change maker.

Explore the reasons to embrace Repatterning as your career path.

  • Elevate the caliber and reach of your service, making a profound impact on clients.
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  • Empower clients to overcome past hurts and unlock their full potential.
  • Amplify your influence with a proven history of life-altering results.
  • Embark on a cutting-edge career, working from home in just 4 weeks.

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Suzanne is highly skilled at cutting through the noise and getting to the core of an issue. Her sessions are deep and empowering and I always leave with a sense of clarity and understanding of the underlying causes of the challenges I face in my life.”

"Suzanne is highly skilled at cutting through the noise and getting to the core of an issue" 

Mattheo ~ Professional Coach ~ Cyprus

I enjoyed this experience immensely. Suzanne immediately put me at ease and the time flew by. Absolutely I got value from it! Oh, where to start? I am crying again just thinking about it. Suzanne was quickly able to find and address issues that have plagued me since birth. I feel so validated and heard. I feel as if the questions and issues that I have struggled with for 46 years... weren't just in my head. And though, the pain and trauma were lodged in my heart, it is safe to let it go. I can see how others may have shied away from this particular core issue, but Suzanne's approach allowed me to open up further for a deep release and healing. I went into the session not really knowing what to expect, but came away so much lighter and reassured. I look forward to working with her in the future and referring others as well.

"I highly recommend Suzanne. I have worked with many over the years but Suzanne was the first one that was able to get literally to the heart of the matter and express my issues with compassion and nonjudgment."

Jennifer ~ United Kingdom

I have achieved so much. I have met amazing people through the training system which truely transforms lives in an amazing way. It is a learning experience to heal yourself and to help heal other people, to touch their lives in a spectacular way. I feel blessed and lucky to have met Suzanne, she is an amazing human being, she has amazing qualities and I admire her for her knowledge, wisdom and amazing skills. She has been very helpful throughout this process of training, she has been my mentor, and it has been a wonderful journey of transformation

"I feel blessed and lucky to have met Suzanne"

Adriana ~ Venezula

I have had amazing life changing results. I have found my voice

"I have had amazing life changing results" 

Angela ~ USA

I am not much of a group person, but was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed being part of the group class. The Group came up with such wonderfully pertinent emotional information, that I had forgotten, so it was much simpler to integrate. Its certainly had a profound effect on the way I relate to money and I am looking at it more positively from now on. It will bring its rewards, as I can already feel the difference in this short time since we finished the programme. Thank you and many blessings to you.

"Its certainly had a profound effect on the way I relate to money"

Amanda ~ South Africa

What an incredible experience it was to benefit from the extraordinary repatterning skills that Dr Suzanne Ravenall facilitated. Layers of old beliefs that I was unaware of, lifted. I definitely feel lighter and money is flowing into my life with greater ease. Highly recommended.

"What an incredible experience it was"

Jen ~ California

She has been so professional and helpful that no words can describe. Her guidance and kindness mean so much to me and I am truly grateful for everything I have learned. She never hesitates to share her knowledge and personal experiences, and they open my eyes to new stages of personal development and growth.

"She has been so professional and helpful that no words can describe"

Sally ~ Hong Kong

In the past I would shut down a lot to avoid the possibility of being effected or of becoming overly sensitive and nervous. Now I aim to remain strong when challenged and release any fear related to being challenged. With the knowledge that I now have, i have the power to protect myself should it be required, and there is no need to enter fear mode at any given time

"Now I release any fear related to being challenged with the knowledge that I have. I have the power to protect myself should it be required, and that there is no need to enter fear mode at any given time"

South Africa

Suzanne is a God-sent angel on a mission to change people’s lives for the better and help heal their lives.  In using Repatterning, her perseverance, dedication and professionalism have made the sessions priceless.  She has the power to nourish our souls and instantly make our lives measurable.

"Suzanne is a God-sent angel on a mission to change people’s lives for better" 

Sally ~ Hong Kong

Looking forward to continue the integrating and letting it all settle into the cellular structures with a sense of permanence.

"I am a warrior "

South Africa

Life is like a roller-coaster ride, we'll experience all sorts of emotions within ourselves.  I am blessed and lucky to have met Suzanne when I was feeling so depressed and lost.  Suzanne always carries positive and passionate vibes and has given me support and strength during my difficult times.  She reminds me to stay positive during the chaotic moment, and be confident when facing all sorts of challenges.

" I am blessed and lucky to have met Suzanne"

Hong Kong

I realize I can't allow myself to be knocked off balance by others, and allow the nerves to take over and cause anxiety.  I also realize that one can’t always have the approval of all people 

" I realize that one can’t always have the approval of all people "

South Africa

I went to Suzanne to work on a particular block/issue. I had been struggling to find a resolution after many months. The situation was still impacting my life and i felt stuck, confused, lacking energy and unable to move forward. Suzanne helped me see my own part in creating the situation and help me clear the unconscious belief and thinking that was keeping me from moving forward. After my session with Suzanne it felt as if the emotional baggage had cleared and i could move forward with my new journey with more clarity and focus, renewed enthusiasm and passion. 

"After my session with Suzanne it felt as if the emotional baggage had cleared and i could move forward with my new journey with more clarity and focus, renewed enthusiasm and passion"

Deborah ~ South Africa

Thank you so much for putting yourself on this path to help others. I loved everything about how you handled our session. I definitely got a lot of clarity, particularly about my children, amazing that I had a conversation with my daughter (younger one) about birth order, she brought it up. and yes she agrees to often feeling as if she is the older one. Amazing to me that you and I had just talked about them hours before.   

I loved everything about how you handled it all. I definitely got a lot of clarity, particularly about my children"

Victoria ~ Colorado

I could feel positive change immediately. Suzanne was great to work with. As someone that is not very comfortable with social media and conference calls etc, I was a bit unsure as to how it would be for me, but within 5-10 minutes I felt at ease. I had done the required preparation but Suzanne quickly and succinctly got to the heart of the matter. I definitely felt the change as it was happening. Iit was a great session.

"Suzanne quickly and succinctly got to the heart of the matter. I definitely felt the change as it was happening. It was a great session"

Andrew ~ United Kingdom

It was mind-blowing. The session revealed a very deep fear and program that I thought I had under control. Suzanne is very dynamic and is very passionate about what she is doing. She helped me get to grips with a very strong negative belief that I thought I had eliminated.

"It was  mind-blowing. The session revealed a very deep fear and program that I thought I had under control"

Meli ~ United States

A huge big Thank you !! The tools provided in your course are working very well for me, facing the shadow has been fundamental in my processing as well as the daily work, it’s been awesome.

"A huge big Thank you!! Its been awesome"

Jean ~ South Africa

I thoroughly loved the session. Suzanne you were absolutely bang on, certain issues which nobody could tell me about before and confirm the reasons why. I could completely relate to it. You identified Issues I was carrying, and certain feelings which nobody could ever tell me. i felt totally helpless and disappointed with others i reached out to for help. You helped me with the answers and reasons where others couldn't

"You helped me with the answers and reasons where others couldnt"

Jaya ~ India

Suzanne’s session hit home in a number of ways. Certain aspects of my personality and history that I couldn’t seem to overcome came out in the session. It has allowed me to have a new understanding of myself and I feel lighter and free.  She has a compassionate nature and  I would highly recommend her! Going to core beliefs and patterns, made me look at things from a different angle, separated me from a plane of thought that I’ve known for a while, that i had been like a stuck tyre spinning my wheels

"It has allowed me to have a new understanding of myself and I felt lighter and free."

Leah ~ United States

Since our session, i have found myself looking at my life in such a grateful way! And since our session a few events have happened that have pushed me exactly to the path that I wanted to be walking. I had no fear of changing direction. I wish you a blessed life and that you have the opportunity to help so many of us. 

"Since our session, i have found myself looking at my life in such a grateful way!"

Cristina ~ South America

Suzanne made me feel completely at ease and I felt I could trust her and loved her energy. She really seems to know how to access information that’s valuable for you and has an ability to do this in such a down-to-earth manner. I would absolutely recommend working with Suzanne Ravenall. I believe she’s genuine and one of a kind.  

"I believe she’s genuine and one of a kind"

Ivana ~ Scotland

There’s a shift alright, the exercises are proving a challenge! One day at a time, one moment at a time! I want to thank you for your energy specifically.

Gavin ~ South Africa

I want to say thank you. I appreciate what you're doing and I am very grateful to you. My awareness & coherence is growing and it is the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced. I have cried because I have felt so much happiness & joy inside. I had no idea that it was even possible.

"I feel so happy & grateful, i had no idea that it was even possible"

Nisha ~ USA

I have now started to re-read the notes, just now, they contain priceless knowledge.....Many Many Thanks. I'm literally absorbing the content!! I want to put this knowledge into practice. I'm so grateful to you.

"I have now started to re-read the notes, they contain priceless knowledge"

Houshana ~ Mauritius

I couldn't have done this without your help. You took me on a deep journey and brought to light the tension and pain I was carrying. You have helped me heal. I am so grateful that I could be part of the program.

 'You took me on a deep journey and brought to light the tension and pain I was carrying. You have "helped me heal"

Magda ~ Poland

Absolutely brilliant session! I feel 1000 times lighter already!

"I feel 1000 times lighter already!" You took me on a deep journey and brought to light the tension and pain I was carrying. You have "helped me heal"

Dante ~ United Kingdom

I just wanted to share that one of my staff members opened up she’s been struggling and feeling depressed. I find i can now help alot by taking her through some of the fundamental points. She’s very grateful and I’m grateful. She says she has heard a lot of this and confesses to teaching some of it even as a youth leader in her church, but I could see that hearing it from another perspective helped it sink in for herand i immediatley witnessed a shift in vibration. I’m very grateful for having received the tools you provided to not only help myself but to shine alight for others as well.

"I witnessed her immediate shift in vibration"

South Africa

I agree with your beautiful insightful teaching! Your light & heart shines forth enlightening many. I am blessed to be in your classes & benefit from your willingness to speak your truth with care and love for all

"I agree with your beautiful insightful teaching!"

Dee ~ USA

I am really loving how you strike a very beautiful balance between the logical and emotional parts of the brain/needs in y our style of teaching

"Beautiful balance between the logical and emotional parts of the brain"

Melissa ~ USA

WOW WOW WOW !!! I’m blown away dear Suzanne, I am so very excited for next week, I have been asking the universe for a long time to Connect me with really high vibrational beings, I am humbled by your work and what a humble person you are, I have so much to learn and may this be the first of many to come.

Jennnifer ~ South Africa

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