Coherence Muscle Testing
A powerful connection to your intuition
Coherence Muscle Testing
(Self Study Online)
With this simple technique we can dive deeply into the unconscious and figure out disrupting patterns in a second right to their core and help others do the same. You can change a mood in a second. This is an invaluable tool that everyone should have.
Navigate life with ease & understanding Learn, what muscle testing is, where it comes from, the positive impact on our health and our body, The science related to it, and how we can use it
Learn how to muscle test for coherence Learn how you can use coherent muscle testing to navigate your life with ease. This connection to your intuition is so powerful. What was complicated now becomes so much easier to understand and navigate.
Delve deeply into unconscious patterns Learn a technique to delve deeply into non coherent patterns, where they started, where they come from, and use simple techniques to clear them.
Muscle testing for coherence
- Muscle testing (also known as muscle checking and Applied Kinesiology) is the tool we use to access the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
- The autonomic nervous system gives us reflex responses through the muscles that, with training, we can use for giving us “on” (active) / ”off” (inactive) muscle responses as a way to discover what energizes and de-energizes us.
- This course is for all those who want to learn muscle testing
- For those of you who want to prepare before attending your first seminar
- For students and Repatterning Practitioners who want an excellent recap on muscle testing with hints on how to explain muscle testing to others
- For teachers, this course is a resource for your students, either before or after they attend the first few seminars, for those who want more confidence and need a recap at their own pace of what they have learned with you